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Illness Guidelines: When Your Child Is Not Feeling Well

Sore Throat: If your child was ill the evening before (vomiting, fever, sore throat, swollen glands, etc.) please keep him/her home to minimize the risk of spreading illnesses to others.


Vomiting/Diarrhea: Please keep your child home until he/she can keep food and fluids down and is fever-free for 24 hours. A child with diarrhea should not be brought to a playgroup for 24 hours after the last episode.


Thank you for helping us keep our children happy and healthy!



Colds: Even if a child does not have a fever, a child with a "heavy" cold and hacking cough belongs at home.


Fever: No child with a fever over 100 degrees should be brought to a playgroup or meeting. Please do not rejoin the group until your child is free of fever for 24 hours.


Rash: A rash can be the first sign of many childhood illnesses, such as chicken pox. A rash or "spots" may cover the body or appear only in one area. Do not bring a child with a rash to a playgroup until cleared by a physician.



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